The Top Ten Strongest African Currencies
Africa is a vast continent with a rich and diverse history. From the rich mineral resources such as rubber, oil, gold, cocoa, hides, etc., to the recent tech boom and eCommerce growth in the past few years. The continent has undoubtedly come a long way in impacting the global economy. And it is a good option for international investors looking to spread their wings around the world. The African nation is home to 54 African countries and their respective currencies. Few of which are ranked among the 100 strongest currencies in the world. But what are the strongest African currencies? Thankfully, we will be discussing that in this post, including the ranks of all the currencies in Africa from the strongest to the weakest. Note: To determine the strongest African currencies , we will be comparing them to the United States Dollar (USD) which serves as the global reserve currency. In addition, the rates of these currencies fluctuate from time to time. That is because they are affected ...